News & Highlights

Year:  2024     2023     2022     2021

2024 News & Highlights

16 May 2024

Happy Teacher's day. Thank you all OCEMLab members!

26 Apr 2024

Had a barbecue party for wishing a good harvest.

23 Apr 2024

Hyojin's paper (Adv. Energy Sustain. Res. 2022, 3, 2200030) stands out as one of the top 10 most-cited papers. Congrat!.

22 Apr 2024

Planted vegetables together in the KIST Jeonbuk Family Farm again. Sojaknong Season 2 just started! Wish for a good harvest!

03-05 Apr 2024

OCEM Lab members attented the spring meetings of the Polymer Society of Korea and the Korean Electochemical Society.

20 Mar 2024

Hyojin's paper (Adv. Energy Sustain. Res. 2022, 3, 2200030) stands out as one of the most downloaded articles. Congrat!

04 Mar 2024

Bo Min joined the group as a undergraduate researcher. Welcome Bo Min!

29 Feb 2024

Bid farewell to Jihye. Hope to see you again.

28 Feb 2024

Took group photos.

23 Feb 2024

Yunho's manuscript has been accepted in J. Ind. Eng. Chem. Congrat!

02 Jan 2024

Dr. Kwon received the Jeonbuk Governor's Commendation at the 2024 KIST Jeonbuk new year ceremony. 

02 Jan 2024

Geumpil and Hyoju joined the group as a master's degree student. Welcome all!